Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Get Back In Your Box Beyonce!

I’m now in month three at my new job.  Owing to the fact that, like me, some of them are smokers, there are a couple of my colleagues who have had the pleasure of experiencing what I like to call “comfortable me”...that doesn’t mean I’ve farted in front of them or spent a few obvious moments fishing my knickers out of my arse in an unladylike fashion (I’m not an animal!)...but it does mean that they’ve seen me at the height of my nicotine high, whereby I have relaxed enough around them to stop thinking before I speak and just say what’s on my mind. 

I'm not sure that these guys can be called the lucky ones, but they have witnessed me at my most natural, however for most of us, we tend to keep this side of us hidden until we're assured of acceptance from our new co-workers.  In fact for most of us, when we start a new job, we plan for our first real social engagement with colleagues as this is more often than not, when we'll let our real persona's loose.  Nine times out of ten we know it’s going to be the Christmas party, and that’s where we’ll drink, let our inhibitions go and show our new work friends (oooh, fwiend!) our true colours.  That’s what I’d planned for anyway, unfortunately, best laid plans, and all that...

Last week a social event was organised for my department.  It was earlier than planned (as I was banking on the Christmas do), however I had a strategy!  The company was very kindly paying for my room, and I worked out that I could just about afford two glasses of wine at hotel prices, before I’d have to switch to the diet cokes.  I’d never make a fool of myself on two glasses of vino, but it would be enough to loosen me up, and show my new work pals how fun I was.  It was not to be though, as upon arrival at the hotel, it quickly became apparent, that the company had also shelled out for a free bar. 


Now I can resist anything but temptation, and after a large glass of Chardonnay I was loosening up nicely, just in time for the buffet and pub quiz that had been organised.   

Any rules I’d set myself in terms of “just two glasses” however were quickly forgotten in favour of the warm squishy feelings that accompany intoxication, and I’m not going to lie...I lost count of how many glasses I actually had.  This concerns me slightly, as at my last workplace I gained the nickname Charlotte Church.  I didn’t understand it for quite a while, and it was eventually explained to me...apparently after a couple of drinks I get a bit uncouth and think I can sing.  In all fairness I can actually hold a tune, so if drunken singing had been the order of the evening, then I wouldn’t have been worried...unfortunately reality was much worse than that.

I danced.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that I am not coordinated, and dancing is definitely not my forte, however with enough alcohol I do believe I can dance like Beyonce, and I will insist on demonstrating this.  I don’t know what time I arrived on the dance floor, and I don’t know what time I left it...but I do know that the next day my knees were struggling to keep me upright and mobile, so I think it’s safe to assume that I was either a) there for a long while, or b) slut dropping.  (I really hope it was the former!)

Now I could get hung up on worrying that I made a bit of a tit of myself (all the photographic evidence suggests a number of people were actually positioned to ensure I stayed on my feet), but actually I’m pretty sure I make more of an arse of myself when I open my mouth instead I’m focusing on the fact that there are about six people who I see in passing around the workplace, that now stop to say hello and have a conversation with me.  It seems the Chardonnay has helped me network a little and I figure, if I had really been that embarrassing, those people would be avoiding me like the plague rather than saying hello.  Comfortable “me” made an appearance, and I haven’t been perhaps I should just be happy that I’m the way I am, rather than wondering whether I’m a bit “too much” and if I should tone it down when I’m in public.

I probably shouldn’t dance again though. least not until I’ve really perfected my running man.