Monday, 11 June 2012

The Call Back

So when I left my job at bra towers, I knew I was taking a risk.  No other job lined up to go to, just some time to myself and the hope that a potential employer would be ready and waiting to snap me up.  Some may call this reckless, or even deluded...I liked to call it, optimistic.

I’ve spent the last two weeks, in and out of interviews, sending numerous applications off, but also taking a long hard look at my skills, and what I love doing.  I actually love doing this – writing, but could I make a career out of it?  Probably not – there are far more talented writers out there, who won’t ever get a look in on that front, so it would be a little daft to assume I could ever do this as anything more than a hobby.

I would have loved to have gone into Marketing and used my writing skills there.  When I was at college we visited the head office of the long haul tour operator Kuoni as part of a residential trip.  I loved the idea of being the person who was sent out to the various resorts and hotels, to write about each location, and the merits of choosing this as a holiday destination.  Marketing is tough to get into with no qualifications though, and at my heart I know I’ve always had a real passion for customer service.. The idea of getting back into this appealed to me massively, so I took a chance and applied for a couple of positions that I thought I could shine in.

And now here I am.  I’ve picked up a voicemail from one of the potential employers asking me to contact them...which I do immediately.  Dammit, the chap who interviewed me has gone into a meeting – can he ring me back in half an hour? “Of course!” I trill, as my bowels turn to mush.  Is he calling to offer me the job?  Is it a rejection call?  I’ll be gutted if it is, I really wanted this job.  I sit nervously in my PJ’s (I'm lead to understand this is the daytime attire of many unemployed people, so for the moment, it’s the look I’m going with).  I could go and get changed I suppose, but I don’t want to miss the phone again. Hmm perhaps I’ll make myself some breakfast?  My stomach flips in protest. For the love of God do not consume any food, because there’s a strong likelihood that I will reject it immediately, and I’m not guaranteeing from which end I’ll be making it leave!!  For once, I listen to my gut (literally) and push the thought of breakfast out of my mind.

Bleugh!  This is torture, honestly, why am I putting myself through this?  I liked my old job...I loved my old colleagues...I’m starting to question whether stepping out of my comfort zone was such a good idea?!  Hmm, if he’s calling to offer me the job I’m going to have to buy some work wear...I’ve been used to not being in a customer facing role for quite some time.  I don’t think skinny jeans and a top are going to cut it.  Actually, now I think about it, I quite like the idea of power dressing for work.  Knowing me though I’d forget to scuff the bottoms of my new work shoes and make my grand entrance by going arse over tit on their shiny tiled floor with a rather undignified splat.  Doesn’t matter how well dressed you are in you’re as uncoordinated as I am in heels.

How long has it been now?  Gah, I can’t take the suspense any longer, I may have to call him and tell him to hurry up calling me back...erm no, that’s probably wouldn’t get me off on the right foot.  Aaargh! I don’t even get this wound up waiting for men to call me back after dates!  What is wrong with me?!  I just want him to caaaaall Briiiing!  Oh crap!  That’s him!  I don’t want to answer!  Jeeez I’m indecisive today!  But what if he says you’re a pile of crap and we don’t want you? Briiiing!  Deep breath in, mental slap across the face...Actual slap across the face because the mental one did nothing to calm my hysteria. Posh telephone voice at the ready...


Ten minutes later and I’m doing a victory dance around the living room.  I’ve been offered the job!  I am the candidate extraordinaire!  I can leap buildings in single bound!  I’m faster than a speeding bullet! I’m...ouch! Oh bollocks, I’m definitely not eighteen any more so I certainly shouldn’t be dancing like this.  I think I’ve just popped a hip. Dancing aside though...this is exciting!  My venture into the unknown is taking me in a direction I didn’t expect to be going, and it feels bloody brilliant.  Right, best get the Scooby gang together for some celebratory drinks!  Congratulations me! :-D

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