Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The Best Of Friends

My best friends truly are a varied bunch, and are a constant source of amusement to me. Bridget Jones once referred to her friends as her “Urban Family” and I can’t think of a better way to describe them. I mean, you can choose your friends...and who wouldn’t admit that usually, they’d rather spend time with their friends than their actual family! So I wanted you to know a bit more about mine...what with them being such a huge part of my life...

Let’s take Princess... blonde, gorgeous, caring and loyal. She’s bright, articulate and has the sweetest soul imaginable. She is honest and true, and has always been there to support me. She tells me what I want to hear, and on the occasions where it’s required, what I need to hear. She is an inspiration to me, and quite honestly I sometimes loathe myself for never being able to be as good a friend to her as she is to me. She will remember birthdays and special events with cards and flowers. The sentiment is always genuine, and even when her own world is falling apart around her, she will put anything on hold in order to be there for each and every one of her friends....she also says some of the DUMBEST things! Blonde to the core, she is the (hilarious) epitome of the “blonde” stereotype. This is the girl who had me in stitches when I found out that whilst walking past a newspaper stand with a headline screaming “Bank Robbers Strike!” she questioned what on earth bank robbers needed to go on strike for? Better pay? Better holidays? It wasn’t so much the fact that she asked herself the question that amused me...but that even when she’d realised her faux pas, she felt she should share the blondeness with me. Princess is a girl who can laugh at herself, and I adore her with all of my heart.

Next we have Jonesy...my oldest friend, although why we ever became friends is still beyond me, bearing in mind that within hours of meeting her in the school playground I had (unintentionally) gouged a chunk out of her face with my nails. Both of us were new to the town, the school and the people in general, and so a friendship formed that has proved unbreakable. Jonesy is from the school of “tough love”. Some people would call her blunt...and I would kick their heads in for saying it as it makes it sound like a negative thing. She’s honest...in fact she’s incapable of being anything but honest, and that’s why she’s so dear to me. Jonesy is the type of girl that when I complain about the fact I’m not happy with my weight, and I feel like a lard arse, turns around and says “well, perhaps if you stopped eating so much CRAP you’d feel a little better...no?” When I’m with her, I’m eleven years old again, and we can behave like complete idiots and it’s fine. Jonesy is my never neverland, where I don’t ever have to grow up...and we all need friends like that. It keeps us young, and it keeps us sane! She knows me better than I know myself, and for some reason she still wants to be my friend. Wonders never cease!

Beck-lar is my newest “bestest”. I’d known of her for years, but had never socialised with her. When I became single, I suggested (during a random thread on a friend’s facebook status) that we should go out one Friday night. It was the start of a friendship that I will now treasure until I’m old and decrepit, and that’s because Beck-lar brings a whole heap of crazy to the party that I simply couldn’t live without now that I’m accustomed to it. She started out as my pint sized pub buddy, and now if she goes away for more than a weekend I find myself pining for her unusual brand of gaga. She never judges (and she’s seen me do some bad/destructive/down right silly things!). She is also the clumsiest, most forgetful person I know! Beck-lar is the only person I know, who whilst trying her very best to impress her hot neighbour will manage to fall down her front steps or reverse her car up kerbs, and still come up smelling like roses. She’s the only person I know who can misjudge the length of a bench seat and “over-scoot” the edge to find herself on her arse on the floor, and belly laugh at the photos (we all clambered to take whilst she was down) the next day. With her I can indulge my paranoid female psyche and she won’t think I need to be sectioned – mainly because she’s just as barmy! She makes me laugh to the point where I need to pee, and the joy of it is, that she has no idea how funny she really is. My life without Beck-lar would be quiet, boring and ridiculously grown up....there would also be a distinct lack of McDonalds and Malibu in my system.

The Bezzie Boy...he gets me. I’ve known him since I was eleven, and to be fair back then, he was probably one of my first crushes...now, he’s my closest male friend. I love every inch of him, warts and all because he doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what he is. I can be 100% honest with him about anything. He treats me like a princess, even when I behave like a tramp. He’s made me realise that I deserve so much more than the hand I’ve been dealt with. His heart is always in the right place, and yet he always manages to stuff things up for himself. A walking disaster, yet he’s an angel in disguise. He puts so little value on himself, and doesn’t realise how truly special he is. My fear is that one day I’ll lose him and he’ll be the only man to have truly seen me. If you read this bezzie boy, know this...I love you babe...I’m not in love with you (haha) but I do love you! X mwah X

And finally... The Couple...

I wouldn’t usually group friends together like this, because in truth these two people are so different in their personalities it’s untrue...but I have to, because quite frankly, I simply could not live in a world where these two did not exist together as a unit: My married friends. The sister I never had, and the more practical version of the older brother I do have. They have been my saviours during the hardest times I’ve ever had to deal with. I may or may not ever have children of my own, but The Couple have provided me with god children that I love as much as if they were my own. Always supporting, always showing their love and their loyalty. Their morals and principles are unquestionable. Their passion for those they care about, unfaltering. They are the people I want to be like when I grow up...and in times of need they’re always there to provide a cup of tea and a comedy trump (on cue) to make the world seem more bearable. I would not have survived over the last two years if it weren’t for these two amazing individuals. I bloody loves you!

So...these are my friends...and I will probably make frequent references to them in future blogs. They are my life, my soul and my inspiration...they’re also really f**king funny! :o)

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